What is it about?

The work looked at by comparing the amount of vitamin C in different varieties and demonstrated the amount of this vitamin in various ripe fruits of tomato. The maturation of the fruit increased significantly the amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C content of green fruit ranged from 6.74 mg (Denár) to 10.23 mg (Salus). Average of varieties in the green state was 8.66 mg.100 g-1. The value of vitamin C in the semi-mature tomatoes ranged from 11.34 mg (Denár) to 14,95 mg (Darinka). Average of all varieties was 12.89 mg. 100 g-1. At least vitamin C was found in a consumer (red) ripening tomato varieties were at Šejk (16.03 mg), Denár (16.32 mg) and Zámčan (16.80 mg) and the higher content of vitamin C had varieties Salus (19.43 mg) and Darinka (19.26 mg). Average of nine varieties average was 17.70 mg.100 g-1. In the botanical (overripe) maturity, we recorded the highest vitamin C content in a variety Salus (21.51 mg. 100 g-1).

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Why is it important?

.The production of vitamin C acts more fruit maturity, difference year, soil and agricultural engineering. Between varieties and repetitions has not been established the significant difference in the content of vitamin C.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Effect of Varieties and Degree of Ripeness to Vitamin C Content in Tomato Fruits, Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae, November 2017, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.1515/ahr-2017-0010.
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