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This study aims to investigate what motivates financial analysts to participate in the accounting standard-setting process. We focus on financial analysts because they are an essential group of financial statement users. This study was designed to analyse and examine the quality and quantity of disclosure and assess experts views on the qualitative characteristics of corporate financial disclosure: financial analyst, professional accountants, stockbrokers, accounting professors and bank loan officers. It also emphasises the point of view of the different user groups that the information sources consider to be important to them in their preference, the reasons for the use of financial information, the importance they see about the different sections of the annual report and their points of view on the adequacy and reliability of the annual report information. When the respondents had opinions on the listed companies conformity with the IASs, it was noted that the null assumptions were rejected at level 0.014 based on significant distinctions between the respondent classes opinions. Research has led to an understanding of listed firms financial reporting concerns in developed countries in general in financial reporting.

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This page is a summary of: Perception of the audience of interests on the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting, International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, January 2021, Inderscience Publishers,
DOI: 10.1504/ijipm.2021.10038267.
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