What is it about?
We evaluate the effects of home country political risk and uncertainty on MNCs' financial performance, examining firms from countries with different development levels. We examined 1,415 firms in 10 different sectors of the economy and from 37 countries from 2007 to 2019, we test a Panel Vector Autoregressive (PVAR) model.
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Why is it important?
A century has passed after Frank Knight (1921) defined uncertainty as the impossibility of measuring risk, and we are still trying to assess the effects of uncertainty on decision making. What we have is the possibility of evaluating the results of post factum decisions. It is this permanent question that the article focuses on, as it assesses how political risk interferes in decision-making on investments in different institutional scenarios.
The results show that responses to political risk and uncertainty shocks depend on the type of economy in which the firm is located and the technology intensity of the industry sector. We contribute to the literature by empirically distinguishing between political risk and uncertainty. We advance the institutional country-of-origin perspective by showing that while political risk can be managed from a stable, secure, and robust institutional context, the negative effects of uncertainty on MNC performance cannot be mitigated through a strong and highly developed institutional framework.
Dr Silvio L de Vasconcellos
Associacao Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The effects of home country political risk and uncertainty on the financial performance of firms, European J of International Management, January 2021, Inderscience Publishers,
DOI: 10.1504/ejim.2021.10041192.
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