What is it about?

In a traditional PhD by Thesis, the knowledge that has been gained during the PhD is encapsulated in the final Thesis. This article argues that, in contrast, in arts practice as research, knowledge production is to be found in the process of making, rather than in the finished art work, making assessment fundamentally different.

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Why is it important?

Although Arts Practice as Research is a well established route to a PhD, there is still very lively debate about how arts practice can be assessed, and shown to exhibit academic rigour and new knowledge production, within the traditional text-based framework of the academy.


At the time of writing I am a practising animation artist and a 3rd year PhD candidate. I write from my own experience of seeking to demonstrate knowledge production through my arts practice as well as through my academic writing.

Sally Pearce
University of Wolverhampton

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Knowledge production as process in arts practice as research, Animation Practice Process & Production, August 2020, Intellect,
DOI: 10.1386/ap3_000015_1.
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