What is it about?

This commentary is about bone fragility, vitamin deficiencies and endocrine abnormalities which result in increased fracture risk after gastric bypass surgery.

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Why is it important?

Due to the obesity epidemic, more patients are undergoing gastric bypass procedures. Although these procedures can be beneficial, they can result in harm, particularly with effects on the skeleton if accompanied by rapid weight loss, low vitamin D levels or high parathyroid hormone levels.


This is an important case for the bone and diabetes field, as it highlights significant morbidity (pelvic fractures) which occurs in a patient with a prior bariatric procedure, likely exacerbated by elevated parathyroid hormone levels along with insufficient vitamin D and malabsorption of other vital nutrients.

Dr Maya Styner
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Commentary, Clinical Chemistry, January 2018, AACC,
DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2017.281865.
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