Testing the Prognostic Accuracy of the Updated Pediatric Sepsis Biomarker Risk Model
Hector R. Wong, Scott L. Weiss, John S. Giuliano, Mark S. Wainwright, Natalie Z. Cvijanovich, Neal J. Thomas, Geoffrey L. Allen, Nick Anas, Michael T. Bigham, Mark Hall, Robert J. Freishtat, Anita Sen, Keith Meyer, Paul A. Checchia, Thomas P. Shanley, Jeffrey Nowak, Michael Quasney, Arun Chopra, Julie C. Fitzgerald, Rainer Gedeit, Sharon Banschbach, Eileen Beckman, Patrick Lahni, Kimberly Hart, Christopher J. Lindsell
PLOS One, January 2014, PLOS
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086242