Identification of Strain-Specific B-cell Epitopes in Trypanosoma cruzi Using Genome-Scale Epitope Prediction and High-Throughput Immunoscreening with Peptide Arrays
Tiago Antônio de Oliveira Mendes, João Luís Reis Cunha, Rodrigo de Almeida Lourdes, Gabriela Flávia Rodrigues Luiz, Lucas Dhom Lemos, Ana Rita Rocha dos Santos, Antônia Cláudia Jácome da Câmara, Lúcia Maria da Cunha Galvão, Caryn Bern, Robert H. Gilman, Ricardo Toshio Fujiwara, Ricardo Tostes Gazzinelli, Daniella Castanheira Bartholomeu
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, October 2013, PLOS
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002524