A novel evolutionary conserved mechanism of RNA stability regulates synexpression of primordial germ cell-specific genes prior to the sex-determination stage in medaka
Amaury Herpin, Cornelia Schmidt, Susanne Kneitz, Clara Gobé, Martina Regensburger, Aurélie Le Cam, Jérome Montfort, Mateus C. Adolfi, Christina Lillesaar, Dagmar Wilhelm, Michael Kraeussling, Brigitte Mourot, Béatrice Porcon, Maëlle Pannetier, Eric Pailhoux, Laurence Ettwiller, Dirk Dolle, Yann Guiguen, Manfred Schartl
PLoS Biology, April 2019, PLOS
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000185