What is it about?

Our study focuses on identifying the essential skills needed for digital transformation in the workplace. We wanted to answer two key questions: What skills are crucial for digital transformation? And how can these skills be organized into a clear and practical framework? To find the answers, we conducted a systematic review of existing research to select relevant studies. We reviewed 36 articles to identify and organize the skills. As a result, we developed the Digital Transformation Skills Framework (DTSF), which includes six main skill areas and 44 specific skills. The DTSF covers key skills in the areas of digital work, entrepreneurship, evidence-based work, collaboration, communication, and adaptation.

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Why is it important?

The DTSF provides a clear and practical overview of skills that are essential for today's rapidly changing organizations. This framework addresses a critical gap in the current literature by offering a clear understanding of what skills are necessary for digital transformation. It is particularly valuable for organizations and HR professionals who are looking to develop re-skilling and up-skilling initiatives for their employees. By using the DTSF, organizations can better prepare their workforce for the challenges of digital transformation. Future research should expand the framework to include specific skills for different industries and new digital technologies.


In my view, one of the main challenges in existing frameworks and scientific articles on skills for digital transformation is the inconsistent use of terminology. This inconsistency creates complexity for organizations trying to apply these insights in practice. I hope that our study helps to streamline this by offering a clear and comprehensive framework, reducing the conceptual ambiguity, and providing a practical tool that organizations can use to better prepare their workforce for digital transformation.

Machiel Bouwmans
HU Utrecht University of Applied Sciences

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Developing the digital transformation skills framework: A systematic literature review approach, PLoS ONE, July 2024, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0304127.
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