What is it about?

This study analyzed the seasonal fluctuation of Mansonia mosquitoes in Porto Velho, Brazil, over five years. They identified abundance peaks and estimated their future fluctuation, considering local meteorological variables. They found that Mansonia is most common between June and August and that wind speed can influence its presence. This data can improve control strategies to protect the population.

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Why is it important?

The study highlights the importance of seasonal entomological monitoring of Mansonia mosquitoes in different regions of Brazil, providing insights into seasonal patterns and meteorological influences. This is unique because few studies have focused specifically on this mosquito species and how factors such as the presence of livestock, deforestation, and water characteristics can affect its abundance. These discoveries may attract more readers interested in the ecology and control of Mansonia mosquitoes, contributing to the dissemination of knowledge and improvement of monitoring and control strategies for these insects.


This study provides a detailed and comprehensive view of the seasonality and abundance of Mansonia mosquitoes in Brazil, focusing on the Madeira River, in the Amazon basin, and meteorological factors. The analysis of seasonal patterns and environmental influences on the presence of these mosquitoes is crucial for the development of effective monitoring and control strategies, especially considering the potential impact on the quality of human life of riverside people. The use of Skeetervac automatic traps enables continued research to understand the ecological dynamics of these mosquitoes and adapt control measures in response to climate change. Furthermore, the reference to previous studies on mosquito populations, mosquito-borne diseases, and control measures highlights the relevance and broader context of this study. In short, this publication contributes significantly to scientific knowledge and improvement of mosquito control strategies, with the potential to positively impact public health and environmental management.

Dr. José F. Saraiva
Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Trends of Mansonia (Diptera, Culicidae, Mansoniini) in Porto Velho: Seasonal patterns and meteorological influences, PLOS One, May 2024, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0303405.
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