What is it about?

it is related to calcium absorption related to low serum lipase. Stunting is the main nutrition problem in Indonesia, this is an analysis about how stunting can affect the children's growth

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Why is it important?

This can be the basis for carrying out appropriate nutritional therapy for mothers before deciding to become pregnant. Improving proper nutrition, especially improvements in nutrition, will affect lipase levels in the body so that it can help in calcium absorption.


I hope this article makes a new perspective in handling stunting, This article also lead to greater involvement in handling stunting

Dina Keumala Sari
Universitas Sumatera Utara

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Low serum lipase levels in mothers of children with stunted growth indicate the possibility of low calcium absorption during pregnancy: A cross-sectional study in North Sumatra, Indonesia, PLoS ONE, June 2024, PLOS,
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0298253.
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