What is it about?
This article comprehensively introduce how to use a modified plenoptic camera (light field camera) to perform complex filed amplitude wavefront sensing: just in one image!
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Why is it important?
The plenoptic sensor is developed to help correct laser beam distortion in low atmospheric channels such as lateral channels near the ground or at sea levels. This advanced wavefront sensor is critical to the success of directed energy (DE) systems as well as some high performance free space optical (FSO) communication systems. A live demo is also demonstrated in this paper to show how to perform beam corrections over very strong turbulence levels.
Chensheng Wu is currently working as a postdoctoral research associate in University of Maryland College Park. Dr. Wu has successfully modified the light field cameras into a wavefront sensor (the plenoptic sensor) that can be used to solve coherent wave detection problems.
Dr Chensheng Wu
University of Maryland at College Park
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Plenoptic mapping for imaging and retrieval of the complex field amplitude of a laser beam, Optics Express, December 2016, Optical Society of America (OSA),
DOI: 10.1364/oe.24.029852.
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