What is it about?

This study examines how the alignment between consumer attitudes and brand values affects purchase intentions among young Thai university students. It focuses on the Sansiri brand, which has taken a public stance on LGBTIQ issues and same-sex marriage in Thailand. The research explores how brand awareness, image, reliability, and engagement impact consumer behaviour. The study found that when consumers' attitudes align with a brand's values, especially on social issues, it positively influences their perception of the brand and their intention to purchase from it.

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Why is it important?

This research is significant because it provides insights into how brand activism on social issues affects consumer behaviour, particularly among young adults in Thailand. As more companies take stances on sociopolitical issues, understanding the impact on consumer perceptions and purchase intentions is crucial for brand management. The study's findings suggest that brands supporting causes like LGBTIQ rights and same-sex marriage can positively influence their value and consumer loyalty among millennials in Thailand. This information is valuable for companies developing marketing strategies and considering their stance on social issues in the Thai market.


As a researcher, I find this study fascinating because it bridges the gap between brand management and social activism. The results highlight the complex relationship between a brand's values, consumer attitudes, and purchasing behaviour. It's particularly interesting to see how these dynamics play out in the context of Thailand, where attitudes towards LGBTIQ issues are evolving. The study's focus on young university students provides a glimpse into the future of consumer behaviour in the country.

Dr. Smith Boonchutima
Chulalongkorn University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Customer-Brand Attitude Congruence and Purchase Intentions Among Thai Media Students in Higher Education: A Case Study of the Sansiri Brand, Media Education (Mediaobrazovanie), May 2024, Academic Publishing House Researcher,
DOI: 10.13187/me.2024.2.239.
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