What is it about?

The bulk of a persons lifetime utilization of hospital care occurs in the last year of life, hence, the ratio of admissions per death is a useful measure.

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Why is it important?

Trends in England are to higher admissions per death, however, this is partly a result of an explosion of same day stay admissions following the introduction of the 4-hour A&E target in 2002.


Part of a series investigating how death may be influencing trends in admissions, see http://www.hcaf.biz/2010/Publications_Full.pdf

Dr Rodney P Jones
Healthcare Analysis & Forecasting

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Complex trends in admissions per death, British Journal of Healthcare Management, November 2014, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/bjhc.2014.20.11.541.
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