What is it about?

The growth in first outpatient attendance and GP referral shows clear evidence for a recurring series of cyclic undulations in annual activity (and hence costs)

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Why is it important?

So much of financial planning assumes straight line trends, however, health care is full of examples of non-linear behavior


Part of a longer series investigating the real-world trends in health care activity and costs. In England NHS organisations are blamed for poor financial planning when in reality the trends seem driven by a series of complex cycles, see http://www.hcaf.biz/2010/Publications_Full.pdf

Dr Rodney P Jones
Healthcare Analysis & Forecasting

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Are there cycles in outpatient costs?, British Journal of Healthcare Management, May 2012, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/bjhc.2012.18.5.276.
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