What is it about?

A case report with clinical recommendations that can improve the life-span of an implant and patient comfort during brushing. Increasing soft tissue dimensions around an implant can increase implant survival. The recommendations include: 1) Thickness (keratinised mucosa) of ≥2 mm 2) Depth/space apical to the implant margin (vestibular depth) of ≥4 mm.

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Why is it important?

Increasing soft tissue dimensions around an implant can increase implant survival. The recommendations can help clinicians plan and augment the soft tissues around implants.


The use of a gum graft, in this case a free gingival graft, is one technique that is predicable to improve the soft tissues that support implants.

Matthew Morris
Dalhousie University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: An apically positioned flap and free gingival graft around an implant, Dental Update, July 2024, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/denu.2024.51.7.476.
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