What is it about?

This is an overview of the work carried out by myself to help improve the healthcare of men with prostate cancer. It is about healthcare improvement and trying to improve quality within healthcare services by undertaking extra projects that might assist.

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Why is it important?

It is important to highlight the opportunities that are available to nurses within the urology field. It highlights courses and opportunities that urology nurses can apply for to help them network, develop professionally and improve practice. Highlighting the excellent support available from programmes such as Prostate Cancer UK Clinical Champions Programme to undertake an improvement project or opportunities to network and drive up standards through being a member/Trustee for BAUN.


This publication is about my own experience and the opportunities that have been available to me in my time as a urology nurse specialist. However, it is also intended to encourage others, to show the opportunities, programmes and organisations that are out there that can improve your work. It is intended to demonstrate my passion for healthcare, cancer care and the NHS and to try and inspire others within the field or in any nursing role. I wanted to explain why I am passionate having experienced the NHS multiple times as a patient and wanting to provide high standards of care to others. My hope is that my writing demonstrates to others why patient experiences are important, valued and matter so much to me and to provide inspiration.

Mrs Leann McLaughlin
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Working to improve the care of men with prostate cancer, British Journal of Nursing, October 2023, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/bjon.2023.32.18.s4.
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