What is it about?

The articles described the importance of the use of patient-centred pathways specific to the type of stoma, what needs they have, and how to best approach their needs to ensure optimal care and minimal complications. This helps both patients and healthcare professionals to face the needs of ileostomy patients.

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Why is it important?

There are not many pathways for stoma patients, and especially not patient-centred, as they usually generalise all patients and do not look into their specific needs.


It provides a unique inside into patient-centred pathways, especially ileostomies.

Petya Marinova
TWINS for iPouch & Stoma Patients

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Patient-centred stoma care support: ileostomy patients, British Journal of Community Nursing, August 2024, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/bjcn.2024.0065.
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