What is it about?

Self-neglect is a key public health issue, that often leads to poor patient outcomes. Specialist Community Practitioner District Nurses are well placed to assess risk and have ample opportunities to make a difference to the lives of this vulnerable group.

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Why is it important?

Self-neglect currently demands further research and evidence to support clinical decision making in practice. Healthcare professionals often find situations of Self-neglect overwhelming and complex to manage. This article highlights the importance within person centred care in delivering high quality care through holistic assessment, mental capacity assessment and advanced communication strategy.


I hope this article provides Specialist Community Practitioner District Nurses, and the wider multi-disciplinary team, the perspective and scope to delve into the complex phenomenon that is self-neglect; developing professional curiosity.

Georgia McCabe
Liverpool John Moores University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Self-neglect as a significant public health issue: exploring the responsibility of the SPCDN, British Journal of Community Nursing, August 2024, Mark Allen Group,
DOI: 10.12968/bjcn.2024.0001.
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