What is it about?
In this study, we developed a method to prepare 3D-printed micro-actuators made of liquid crystal elastomers which change shape when heated above 50 degrees. To prepare such devices, the liquid crystals need to be aligned, a thing that we did employing an electric field generated by a set of electrodes that can be directly prepared on the same substrate used for the printing process.
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Why is it important?
3D direct laser writing is an extremely versatile technique for the preparation of microstructures of arbitrary shape. By employing smart materials it is possible to confer these structures functionalities that make them useful in the fabrication of tiny devices. The advantage proposed in this study is that, by employing an electric field, we can make use of electrodes array designed to better fit the necessity of the devices we are trying to fabricate.
The combination of the versatility of 3D micropriting via direct laser writing with the advantages offered by the use controllable electric fields, can allow the design and fabrication of tiny functional machines that were unthinkable until now.
Dr Marco Carlotti
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Direct laser writing of liquid crystal elastomers oriented by a horizontal electric field, Open Research Europe, October 2021, Faculty of 1000, Ltd.,
DOI: 10.12688/openreseurope.14135.1.
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