Culturable Facultative Methylotrophic Bacteria from the Cactus <i>Neobuxbaumia macrocephala</i> Possess the Locus <i>xoxF</i> and Consume Methanol in the Presence of Ce<sup>3+</sup> and Ca<sup>2+</sup>
María del Rocío Bustillos-Cristales, Ivan Corona-Gutierrez, Miguel Castañeda-Lucio, Carolina Águila-Zempoaltécatl, Eduardo Seynos-García, Ismael Hernández-Lucas, Jesús Muñoz-Rojas, Liliana Medina-Aparicio, Luis Ernesto Fuentes-Ramírez
Microbes and Environments, January 2017, Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology
DOI: 10.1264/jsme2.me17070