What is it about?

Ultrasound diagnosis of invasion depth of the gallbladder carcinoma is shown. We report a case of polyploid gallbladder carcinoma invading the shallow subserosa with a conically thickened outermost hyperechoic layer but a hypoechoic area in the deeper part of the tumor.

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Why is it important?

Ultrasound and pathological correlation demonstrated that the hypoechoic area represented an adenocarcinoma invading the shallow subserosa accompanied by abundant fibrosis. The prognosis of the case is good and the patient survived more than 19 years after the radical operation.


Polyploid gallbladder tumors with a deep hypoechoic area and a conically thickened outermost hyperechoic layer suggest shallow T2 gallbladder carcinoma and may provide good postoperative prognosis.

Ph.D., M.D. Taketoshi Fujimoto
Iida Hospital

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Hypoechoic area as an ultrasound finding suggesting subserosal invasion in polypoid carcinoma of the gall bladder, British Journal of Radiology, May 2001, British Institute of Radiology,
DOI: 10.1259/bjr.74.881.740455.
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