What is it about?
We develop a Kirchhoff wavefront source imaging method by determining the maximum likelihood source origin time. We use a realistic earth model, and perform several 3D source imaging tests. Using P and/or PS waves in the seismograms, we compare the source imaging uncertainties with the traveltime inversion and full wavefield methods.
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Why is it important?
With the availability of dense large-N array data to monitor induced seismicity and large earthquakes, high-resolution earthquake source imaging methods (e.g. wave-equation-based methods) become feasible, compared with the classic traveltime inversion methods. Our newly-proposed Kirchhoff wavefront imaging method provides a new thought to perform Back-projection imaging of earthquakes. Full wavefield method has the smallest location uncertainty, which is our major future work to test on field data set.
This paper is nice to read and cite for those who are interested in induced seismicity in exploration seismology or earthquake seismology.
Chenglong Duan
University of Texas at Dallas
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Microearthquake location and uncertainty analysis using a Kirchhoff wavefront imaging method: A comparison with traveltime inversion and full wavefield imaging methods, Geophysics, August 2022, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
DOI: 10.1190/geo2021-0699.1.
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