What is it about?
Based on a detailed petrographical and petrophysical analysis of carbonate rock using optical and scanning electron microscopy, mercury-injection measurements, digital image analysis, and well logs, we have determined the potential of the geophysical pore type (αP) inversion – a rock physics inversion scheme based on the differential effective medium theory — to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the pore type distribution from acoustic data in the Yadana carbonate gas field (Early Miocene, offshore Myanmar).
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Why is it important?
Detection of pore types and diagenetic features from seismic data is a major challenge for the evaluation of carbonate reservoirs in the subsurface.
The present work shows the potentiality of the geophysical pore type inversion to detect laterally extended (100–1000 m) subseismic- to seismic-scale (>5 m thickness) geologic heterogeneities. The geophysical pore type (αP) is an upscalable inverted rock-physics parameter that can be computed from a selection of well-log data (density, P-wave sonic, and porosity) or from 3D seismic elastic data.
Thomas Teillet
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Geophysical pore type inversion in carbonate reservoir: Integration of cores, well logs, and seismic data (Yadana field, offshore Myanmar), Geophysics, April 2021, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
DOI: 10.1190/geo2020-0486.1.
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