What is it about?
This article describes in detail the technical details of the MRI protocol applied in 100,000 people from the original half a million UK Biobank cohort.
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Why is it important?
The details of the heart MRI protocol used in UK Biobank will be an ideal reference for future publications using the heart MRI data but also can inform researchers who may be interested in using the heart MRI data available from UK Biobank.
This article does not contain any research data but describes the technical details of data acquisition during the heart MRI protocol used in UK Biobank.
Professor Steffen E Petersen
Queen Mary University of London
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: UK Biobank’s cardiovascular magnetic resonance protocol, Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, December 2015, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1186/s12968-016-0227-4.
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