Evaluation of two commercial kits and two laboratory-developed qPCR assays compared to LAMP for molecular diagnosis of malaria
Azza Bouzayene, Rizwana Zaffaroullah, Justine Bailly, Liliane Ciceron, Véronique Sarrasin, Sandrine Cojean, Nicolas Argy, Sandrine Houzé, Valentin Joste, Adela Angoulvant, Anne Pauline Bellanger, Antoine Huguenin, Anthony Marteau, Agnes Durand, Céline Tournus, Céline Nourrisson, Céline Malassigne, Cécile Garnaud, Caroline Lohmann, Edith Mazars, Emilie Sitterle, Eric Dannaoui, Françoise Botterel, Guillaume Desoubeaux, Ghania Belkadi, Isabelle Salimbeni, Jean Philippe Lemoine, Luce Landraud, Louise Basmaciyan, Loic Favennec, Marie Fleur Durieux, Marie Laure Darde, Milene Sasso, Marc Thellier, Naima Dahane, Nathalie Fauchet, Nathalie Bourgeois, Odile Eloy, Odile Fenneteau, Pascale Penn, Pauline Caraux Paz, Roseanne Lavergne, René Nabias, Sorya Belaz, Sylvain Mermond, Samia Hamane, Sébastien Larréché, Sylvain Clauser, Stéphane Lastere, Yaye Senghor, Yohann Le Govic
Malaria Journal, June 2022, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1186/s12936-022-04219-1