Development and external validation of a faecal immunochemical test-based prediction model for colorectal cancer detection in symptomatic patients
Joaquín Cubiella, Pablo Vega, María Salve, Marta Díaz-Ondina, Maria Teresa Alves, Enrique Quintero, Victoria Álvarez-Sánchez, Fernando Fernández-Bañares, Jaume Boadas, Rafel Campo, Luis Bujanda, Joan Clofent, Ángel Ferrandez, Leyanira Torrealba, Virginia Piñol, Daniel Rodríguez-Alcalde, Vicent Hernández, Javier Fernández-Seara
BMC Medicine, August 2016, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1186/s12916-016-0668-5