What is it about?

We used computational and experimental approaches to assess potential cross reactivity of the anti depressant vilazodone. We tested cross reactivity and none could be observed.

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Why is it important?

It may suggest that there are other metabolites in toddlers which will require further assessment.


A nice collaboration between synthesis of the vilazodone metabolite, computational and in vitro assessment of ccross reactivity.

Dr Sean Ekins
Collaborations in Chemistry

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Accidental intoxications in toddlers: lack of cross-reactivity of vilazodone and its urinary metabolite M17 with drug of abuse screening immunoassays, BMC Clinical Pathology, February 2019, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1186/s12907-019-0084-9.
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