What is it about?

1. Use the heart rate variability measures to predict the development and outcome of post-operative patients with ARDS. 2. The vagal tone of ARDS patients is increased.

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Why is it important?

1. The simple high-frequency power of heart rate variability measures can be used to predict the development and outcome of post-operative patients with ARDS. 2. Anti-cholinergic agent might be tried in ARDS patients.


A new aspect of prognosis and treatment of ARDS is opened.

Prof. Cheng-Deng Kuo
Tanyu Research Laboratory

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: High-frequency power of heart rate variability can predict the outcome of thoracic surgical patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome on admission to the intensive care unit: a prospective, single-centric, case-controlled study, BMC Anesthesiology, April 2018, Springer Science + Business Media,
DOI: 10.1186/s12871-018-0497-5.
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