Dietary animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with obesity and cardio-metabolic indicators in European adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study
Yi Lin, Theodora Mouratidou, Carine Vereecken, Mathilde Kersting, Selin Bolca, Augusto César F de Moraes, Magdalena Cuenca-García, Luis A Moreno, Marcela González-Gross, Jara Valtueña, Idoia Labayen, Evangelia Grammatikaki, Lena Hallstrom, Catherine Leclercq, Marika Ferrari, Frederic Gottrand, Laurent Beghin, Yannis Manios, Charlene Ottevaere, Herman Van Oyen, Denes Molnar, Anthony Kafatos, Kurt Widhalm, Sonia Gómez-Martinez, Ligia Esperanza Díaz Prieto, Stefaan De Henauw, Inge Huybrechts
Nutrition Journal, January 2015, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1186/1475-2891-14-10