What is it about?

What is it about? A very large number of patients worldwide receive immunotherapy for the treatment of their cancer. Although more effective and better tolerated than chemotherapy, immunotherapy is responsible for a large number of immunological side effects. The pulmonary toxicities are among the most frequent and the most serious. Why is it important? This systematic review allows doctors following patients treated by immunotherapy for cancer to know the frequency of occurrence, the severity, the various aspects of pulmonary toxicities of these treatments. Examples of patient lung CT-scan or patients histories as well as very practical recommendations are proposed to facilitate the management of these respiratory complications. Perspectives Pr Jacques Cadranel Writing this article with all my team was pleasure and we considerably progress in this field and improve the daily management of our patients with lung cancer receiving immunotherapy.

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This page is a summary of: Pulmonary complications of immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer, European Respiratory Review, September 2019, European Respiratory Society (ERS),
DOI: 10.1183/16000617.0058-2019.
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