A double-blind, randomized, sham-controlled study of Targeted Lung Denervation in patients with moderate to severe COPD : AIRFLOW-2 One Year Outcomes
Arschang Valipour, Pallav Shah, Felix Herth, Christophe Pison, Christian Schumann, Ralf-Harto Hübner, Peter Bonta, Romain Kessler, Wolfgang Gesierich, Kaid Darwiche, Bernd Lamprecht, Thierry Perez, Dirk Skowasch, Gaetan Deslee, Armelle Marceau, Frank Sciurba, Reinoud Gosens, Jorine Hartman, Karthi Srikanthan, Marina Duller, Dirk-Jan Slebos
September 2019, European Respiratory Society (ERS)
DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2019.oa1615