Higher frequency of comorbidities in fully vaccinated patients admitted to the ICU due to severe COVID-19: a prospective, multicentre, observational study
Anna Motos, Alexandre López-Gavín, Jordi Riera, Adrián Ceccato, Laia Fernández-Barat, Jesús F. Bermejo-Martin, Jesús F. Bermejo-Martin, Ricard Ferrer, David de Gonzalo-Calvo, Rosario Menéndez, Raquel Pérez-Arnal, Dario García-Gasulla, Alejandro Rodriguez, Oscar Peñuelas, José Ángel Lorente, Raquel Almansa, Albert Gabarrus, Judith Marin-Corral, Pilar Ricart, Ferran Roche-Campo, Susana Sancho Chinesta, Lorenzo Socias, Ferran Barbé, Antoni Torres
European Respiratory Journal, November 2021, European Respiratory Society (ERS)
DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02275-2021