What is it about?

Poor adherence to asthma medications is the single most important reason why treatment fails. It can be difficult to know which children have poor asthma control because they are not taking their treatment and need an intervention to improve adherence and which have poor control because they have genuinely severe asthma and need more treatment including the addition of expensive novel therapies. This study demonstrates that electronic monitoring devices can help distinguish these groups of patients and aid the clinician in decision making. This study also show an improvement in a variety of asthma control measures in the group with good adherence.

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Why is it important?

We have found in our study that it is not possible to distingusih or optimally manage severe therapy resistant and difficult asthma without the availability of electronic monitoring devices


Further research is needed to assess the utility of combining electronic monitoring devices and tailored adherence interventions.

Anja Jochmann
University Children`s Hospital Basel (UKBB)

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Electronic monitoring of adherence to inhaled corticosteroids: an essential tool in identifying severe asthma in children, European Respiratory Journal, December 2017, European Respiratory Society (ERS),
DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00910-2017.
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