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We propose an energy-saving smooth reversing pumping system, which could store the energy in deceleration by making use of springs, and the stored energy could be reused in acceleration after reversion.we set up the real pumping system with load test system to verify the effectiveness of the model establishment. Through the experiment, the proposed pumping system could save energy up to 9.204% as compared to the traditional reciprocating pumping system.

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Why is it important?

This novel system targets to make the motor starting with light load, which could reduce the fluctuation in motor torque, decrease the starting time. In this article, a dynamic model and an efficiency model are established to compute the polished rod load dynamometer card and efficiency of the pumping unit. It is shown that the installed springs could help to reduce the impact on the system when reversing, and significantly decrease the energy consumption.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: An energy-saving pumping system with novel springs energy storage devices: Design, modeling, and experiment, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, January 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1687814016687450.
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