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Traffic Aware Strategic Aircrew Requests (TASAR) is a NASA-developed on-board automation concept intended to identify trajectory improvement opportunities clear of known traffic, weather, and airspace restrictions prior to the aircrew initiating a trajectory-change request to Air Traffic Control (ATC). The software implementation of the TASAR concept is the Traffic Aware Planner (TAP). A flight trial was conducted with commercial airline pilots flying in a Piaggio Avanti flight test aircraft, with the TAP software installed onboard. This paper focuses on the results of the subjective assessments of pilots collected during this flight trial, specifically, pilot workload, situation awareness, and system usability. These data were subjected to statistical analyses, and the results generally indicate the following: there were no statistical differences for any measure as a function of pilot position in the aircraft; pilot cognitive workload was reported as low; and system usability ratings were reported as high. Generally, ratings of comprehensibility, usefulness, and usability of TAP’s human machine interface (HMI) and features were high. These results will be used to further refine and improve the capabilities and features of the TAP HMI in preparation for operational use with NASA partner airlines.

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This page is a summary of: Flight Test Assessments of Pilot Workload, System Usability, and Situation Awareness of Tasar, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, September 2016, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1541931213601014.
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