IJER editorial: The future of the internal combustion engine
R D Reitz, H Ogawa, R Payri, T Fansler, S Kokjohn, Y Moriyoshi, AK Agarwal, D Arcoumanis, D Assanis, C Bae, K Boulouchos, M Canakci, S Curran, I Denbratt, M Gavaises, M Guenthner, C Hasse, Z Huang, T Ishiyama, B Johansson, TV Johnson, G Kalghatgi, M Koike, SC Kong, A Leipertz, P Miles, R Novella, A Onorati, M Richter, S Shuai, D Siebers, W Su, M Trujillo, N Uchida, B M Vaglieco, RM Wagner, H Zhao
International Journal of Engine Research, September 2019, SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1468087419877990