Short commentary on ‘a consensus protocol for the standardization of cerebrospinal fluid collection and biobanking’
CE Teunissen, HT Tumani, JL Bennett, FS Berven, L. Brundin, M. Comabella, D. Franciotta, JL Federiksen, JO Fleming, R. Furlan, RQ Hintzen, SG Hughes, MH Johnson, E. Krasulova, J. Kuhle, Maria-Chiara Magnone, A. Petzold, C. Rajda, K. Rejdak, HK Schmidt, V. van Pesch, E. Waubant, C. Wolf, B. Hemmer, F. Deisenhammer, G. Giovannoni
Multiple Sclerosis Journal, December 2009, SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/1352458509356368