What is it about?

In this article, the reader will learn from middle-school students, teachers and community science experts about the value of school-based outdoor education for all learners.

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Why is it important?

With our current emphasis in schools on raising standardized test scores in reading and writing, teacher-centered instructional practices have become very prevalent. School-based outdoor education gets all students, even those who are apathetic about school and learning, effectively engaged in meaningful, memorable, and intrinsically-motivating learning.


I have been an avid proponent of our outdoor education for many, many years. I see these experiential learning experiences being de-emphasized or eliminated in schools more and more as teachers strive to raise standardized test scores. Many schools, in essence, have become test-prep factories which has created apathetic and unmotivated students. Outdoor education is a highly effective way to seamlessly integrate multi-disciplinary learning and engage students in exciting, memorable, and intrinsically-motivating learning.

Dr. Joan K James
University of Wyoming

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: School-Based Experiential Outdoor Education, Journal of Experiential Education, March 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/1053825916676190.
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