The development of a simple questionnaire to screen patients with SLE for the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in routine clinical practice
M Mosca, M Govoni, P Tomietto, M Aringer, D Boumpas, R Cervera, F Conti, D D’Cruz, A Doria, D De La Fuente, M Galeazzi, F Houssiau, TWJ Huizinga, MA Khamashta, L Ines, C Duarte, M Couto, P Meroni, C Montecucco, E Norkuviene, G Riemekasten, V Rios, M Schneider, Y Shoenfeld, GM Steup-Beekman, M Szmyrka-Kaczmarek, C Tani, A Tincani, AG Tzioufas, R Voll, W Bencivelli, F Salaffi, S Bombardieri
Lupus, February 2011, SAGE Publications
DOI: 10.1177/0961203310389097