What is it about?

The paper gives an overview of the divorce trends and try to explain these trends by Norwegian data from 1886 until 2018. By doing so it challenge some long "known" theories about relationship dissolution. Further, it investigate the different trends in rural and urban areas.

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Why is it important?

Using data from a total population of a nation and differentiating between first-marriages and remarriages as well as urban and rural marriages it build on strong data. It identifies that urban areas are no longer protective against divorce. Further it challenge the theory that age at marriage might not be as closely related to divorce as previously suggested.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Understanding Divorce Trends and Risks: The Case of Norway 1886–2018, Journal of Family History, February 2022, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/03631990221077008.
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