What is it about?
This article provides a brief overview of violence in Latin America and Mexico, four examples of the kinds of projects undertaken by AOL, and its recommendations for developing violence and crime prevention plans, from AOL’s locally-conducted work.
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Why is it important?
he Audit Opinion Laboratory (AOL) from the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua works with government and civil institutions to study and provide educational, training and informational interventions for alleviating the social issues occurring in the State of Chihuahua (Mexico), of which violence is the most urgent
Public policies are insufficient if they are not able to accomplish integral cooperation between government institutions, the educational sector, and civil or private organizations (Vargas, 2017). Violence and crime prevention strategies must fulfill two basic aspects: dissuade the perpetrator and address the causes of crime. The design and implementation of any prevention program must be multidimensional, joining the historical, statistical and psychosocial perspectives to identify the issues behind crime and violence. It is important to educate and inform society, as well as disseminating the results and benefits obtained from the implementation of violence and crime prevention activities; such course of action may improve trust in the institutions, and ensure that all stakeholders engage in joint efforts aimed at reducing violence in the region and achieve peace.
Dr Fidel González-Quiñones
Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Preventing crime and violence through social, educational and informational interventions, Information Development, April 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0266666918770383.
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