What is it about?

This research provides some reflections on how we teach co-production in public administration programmes. Specifically we explore the use of curriculum co-design as a way to teach the principles of public service co-production.

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Why is it important?

Co-production is a key concept in public administration. Yet the use of co-production in the classroom seems to be less common. This research explores why that is the case and how public administration scholars can use curriculum co-design as a way to engage students in co-production principles.


This publication was written with colleagues from University of Glasgow and within Northumbria University. It draws on significant pedagogical theory and public administration theory to provide a guide to scholars in how to teach co-production in public administration programmes.

Dr Ian C Elliott
University of Glasgow

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Building student engagement through co-production and curriculum co-design in public administration programmes, Teaching Public Administration, October 2020, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0144739420968862.
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