What is it about?
This paper is focused on Ruesch's work in psychiatry. The main reason of it rests upon the idea that he believed that disturbances of communication are central to the problem of mental disease and its treatment. In line with this, he reached the conclusion that culture, society, and personality reflect but different aspects of one basic function-communication.
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Why is it important?
It is important because Ruesch formulated creative hypotheses about the conflict between man other human beings. In fact, his work has been crucial for the promotion of mental health and the clinical assessment of normal and pathological communication behavior.
I think that this will be wellcomed among lay people and experts. This assertion rests upon the idea that, in a highly technical civilization like ours, the interest in human communication trascends daily life, academic barriers and clinical practice.
PhD Francisco Balbuena Rivera
Universidad de Huelva
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: In honor of Jurgen Ruesch: Remembering his work in psychiatry, International Journal of Social Psychiatry, January 2018, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0020764017752020.
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