What is it about?

Historical investigation of Jesus in opposition to Christian belief made its greatest advance in a manuscript by the Deist Reimarus (1694-1768) published in 1778. Albert Schweitzer's 'Quest of the Historical Jesus' celebrated it but underestimated its achievement. It continues to challenge orthodox belief. This appreciation offers some answers.

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Why is it important?

Critics of Christianity usually misunderstand some of its claims by failing to see how the acceptance of historical criticism of the Bible and dogma have led to restatements. Believers often fail to see which restatements represent the New Testament witness to God in Christ and which do not. This essay aims to correct both types of misunderstanding.


I try to show that traditional Christian faith in God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth is compatible with rigorous historical scrutiny of its biblical foundations and that modest revisions can clarify the truth it claims to offer all.

Robert Morgan
University of Oxford

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Reimarus, Schweitzer, and Modern Theology, The Expository Times, November 2017, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0014524617743912.
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