What is it about?

What do people do when there are no full service grocery stores in their inner city neighborhood? Those that can, take the bus to the suburbs and shop but at a large time and personal cost. Most eat at fast food emporiums and get what th2ey can from the corner neighborhood store. This results in bad nutrition and consumption of more processed foods.

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Why is it important?

Inner city residents experience nutritional stigma. Full service grocery stores don't want to locate there. This limits access to fresh fruit and vegetables and other healthy foods. Nutrition suffers leading to more health complications. This situation has been documented in cities around the United States. This was an in-depth study of how 60 inner city residents dealt with the problem of nutritional stigma.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Fighting Back, American Behavioral Scientist, July 2016, SAGE Publications,
DOI: 10.1177/0002764216657380.
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