Phosducin influences sympathetic activity and prevents stress-induced hypertension in humans and mice
Nadine Beetz, Michael D. Harrison, Marc Brede, Xiangang Zong, Michal J. Urbanski, Anika Sietmann, Jennifer Kaufling, Stefan Lorkowski, Michel Barrot, Mathias W. Seeliger, Maria Augusta Vieira-Coelho, Pavel Hamet, Daniel Gaudet, Ondrej Seda, Johanne Tremblay, Theodore A. Kotchen, Mary Kaldunski, Rolf Nüsing, Bela Szabo, Howard J. Jacob, Martin Biel, Monika Stoll, Martin J. Lohse, Ulrich Broeckel, Lutz Hein, Allen W. Cowley Jr.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, January 2011, American Society for Clinical Investigation
DOI: 10.1172/jci45819