What is it about?

Many higher education institutions (HEIs) want to be greener and more sustainable. But few have completely included sustainability in their overall strategies. The tools available to assess greening steps are not ap-plicable to all types of HEIs. Additionally, they do not provide HEIs with the required frameworks. The European Union has funded the GET-AHED project to address this gap. The project's goal is to help HEIs promote the green transition. To this end, the GET-AHED platform integrates three tools: HE Green Assessment, which allows HEIs to assess themselves; HE Green Champions, which offers training for HEIs; and HE Green Zero, which measures the green efficiency of HEIs. This book chapter explains how the GET-AHED tools work together to deliver their functions to HEIs via a digital platform. It covers the steps taken to develop and align these tools.

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Why is it important?

GET-AHED offers a framework for HEIs to support their sustainability plans. It’s focus is to be relevant to and usable by HEIs, as available sustainability assessment tools (SATs) are insufficient and not standardized. The authors of this chapter used analytical methods to study the available SATs and their use by HEIs. They begin with a background on the green transition in HEIs and SATs. Next, they explain how the GET-AHED sustainability assessment tool was developed. Finally, they outline the initial results obtained using the data collected during the first year of GET-AHED and reflect on risks and future developments. KEY TAKEAWAY: GET-AHED provides a relevant and robust platform that allows HEIs and their stakeholders to navigate their green transition plans. The program must be relevant to and accepted by HEIs to be used across Europe. This research relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals: • SDG 4: Quality Education • SDG 13: Climate Action • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production • SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Developing a Digital Platform to Embed Environmental Sustainability in Higher Education Ecosystems, May 2024, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/9789004705777_005.
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