What is it about?

The main goal of this paper is to analyze Nicholas of Cusa´s reading on the dispute of Mystical Theology through Jean-Luc Marion´s phenomenology of givenness.

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Why is it important?

The importance of this article lies in the relevance of the reception of Christian Neoplatonism in the new French phenomenology (nouvelle phénoménologie française).


Writing this article was a great challenge, since it condenses part of my research stay at the University of Freiburg (2021-2022).

Matías Pizzi
Universidad de Buenos Aires

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Nicholas of Cusa’s Mystical Theology in Jean-Luc Marion’s Phenomenology of Affectivity, Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion, April 2022, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/25889613-bja10025.
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