What is it about?

It hypothesizes that two figures of the supracelestial sphere, mentioned in ancient Sethian-Gnostic texts and called Micheus and Michar, may be considered as the archetype of the Biblical prophet Micah the Morasthite.

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Why is it important?

No scholar ever gave an explanation of the identity and provenance of Micheus and Michar, although the question had been raised in 1975 for the first time .


I was triggered by the Sethian figures Micheus and Michar since I research the reception and interpretation of the Biblical book of Micah in ancient Christianity. Their names are similar to this prophet, and I think I found good arguments to see a relationship between them.

Prof. Riemer Roukema
Protestant Theological University Amsterdam Groningen

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Sethian Figures Micheus and Michar and their Relationship to Micah the Morasthite, Gnosis Journal of Gnostic Studies, March 2017, Brill,
DOI: 10.1163/2451859x-12340024.
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